The single herbs that we recommend have been safely used for centuries, unlike some of the questionable ingredients in the expensive and over complicated breast enhancing formulas on the market. The phyto-nutrients in the breast herbs we sell have been featured in numerous books about breast health and the prevention of breast cancer.
A Healthy Approach...
The plant elements in these herbs are nothing magical, they simply help to restart some natural processes. Everyone is born with a potential maximum breast size. This size can be limited by poor diet and nutrition, environmental toxins and general poor health of the breast tissue from the resulting hormonal imbalances. Resorting to surgery can lead to additional health problems.
The nutrients in these types of herbs help to reverse these problems. The breast tissue receives the nutrients that it needs, hormone levels are balanced and environmental toxins are flushed away. The breast tissue becomes firmer and healthier and the breasts begin to reach their full genetic potential.
In cultures where these nutrients are a common part of the everyday diet, PMS, menopausal symptoms and breast cancer rates are much lower. So you can try this for your health even if a little vanity is your main motivation.
Which herbs are best for breast enhancement?...
There are hundreds of herbs that contain the elements needed to enhance breast size and health: phytoestrogens, isoflavones and various fatty acids and plant sterols. The most important of these seems to be diosgenin, one of a group of phytoestrogens. These are the same plant elements responsible for the lower rates of PMS, menopausal symptoms and breast cancer in eastern cultures where the nutrients are more common in the diet.
In choosing herbs for breast enhancement and breast health it is best to choose those which have the highest levels of these elements. According to the data base of Dr. James Duke, Fennel, Fenugreek, Red Clover, Saw Palmetto and Wild Yam are the best herbs for breast enhancement.
There are hundreds of formulas for breast enhancement on the market that contain these and various other herbs. Unfortunately most do not contain enough of any of the herbs to be effective. We sell pure, more potent single herbs will ensure that you are getting enough of the nutrients needed for breast growth.
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The herbs named below are the three most popular used herbs for breast enhancement and breast growth in the uk.
Fenugreek Seed (Trigonella Foenum-graecum) - From ancient times through the late 19th century, fenugreek played a major role in herbal healing. Then it fell by the wayside. Now things are once again looking up for the herb whose taste is a combination of celery and maple syrup. Modern scientific research has found that fenugreek can help reduce cholesterol levels, control diabetes and minimize the symptoms of menopause. In India, the herb was incorporated into curry blends. India's traditional Ayurvedic physicians prescribed it to nursing mothers to increase their milk. In American folk medicine, fenugreek was considered a potent menstruation promoter. It became a key ingredient in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound -- one of 19th-century America's most popular patent medicines for "female weakness" (menstrual discomforts).
Today, fenugreek is most widely used in the United States as a source of imitation maple flavor. But this may change as its medicinal value becomes better known. Another potential area for fenugreek is cutting into the plastic surgery business. For centuries rumours have floated out of the Middle East that harem women were fed fenugreek seed to make them more buxom. This turns out to be more than mere hearsay. The seeds, in addition to female steroid precursors, also contain compounds that increase healthy breast tissue. Since the seeds contain diosgenin and other plant phyto-estrogens, fenugreek provides a mastogenic effect resulting in breast growth. Several studies have shown that fenugreek reduces cholesterol in laboratory animals, and Indian researchers have shown the same effect in people with high cholesterol levels.
Saw Palmetto Berries (Serona repens) - Saw palmetto is now a popular and effective treatment for prostate enlargement in men but has it's origins in natural medicine as a breast enlarger and is still recommended today by naturopathic physicians for increasing breast size. It is also used as an aphrodesiac, for the treatment of impotence in men, and for inhibited sexual desire in women.
Saw palmetto has been used for centuries. Native Americans, dating back to pre-Mayan civilizations, used the berries for food and medicine and particularly for breast disorders in women. Early American botanists noted that animals who were fed with these berries grew sleek and robust, experienced restored sexual vigor and improved muscle tone. Saw palmetto is useful as a nutritive tonic, supporting the function of a healthy appetite and smooth digestion. Saw palmetto berry also tones the urethra, and it may be used to uphold the healthy function of the thyroid gland and urinary system. This remarkable herb has no side effects or drug interactions. It's breast enhancing effects stem from phyto-nutrients that stimulate breast tissue, increasing health and size. To call saw palmetto a "man's herb" is a dis-service to it's healthy benefits for both sexes
Fennel Seed (Foeniculum vulgare) - Fennel has been used for centuries to enhance breast size and to promote milk production in new mothers. The herb's history is similar to the story of fenugreek above. It is second only to Fenugreek in estrogenic compounds and can be used in tea or added to lotion and massaged directly into the breasts.
Fennel is also used to treat amenorrhea, angina, asthma, heartburn, high blood pressure and to increase sexual desire in women. It is rich in the phyto-nutrients that increase breast size and is a great addition to the program.
Other Breast Enhancing Herbs - Dr. James Duke and others have added a few herbs to their lists of "mastogenic" herbs; herbs that can increase healthy breast tissue. They include Red Clover Flowers and Black Cohosh. Whole grains such as oats, wheat and barley can also contribute nutrients that may boost the breast enhancing process, and even dark chocolate is thought to be helpful in providing these nutrients.