Unfortunately we are unable to give out any form of medical advice or guidance either on this website, over the phone or via email.
If you want more information you may find the following websites useful. Be careful when researching online and always look for trusted sources of information.
For information about medical conditions, NHS Direct is a good place to start: NHS Direct - www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk
To check for known interactions between medications and supplements Drug Digest has a search facility you can use: Drug Digest - www.drugdigest.org To read in-depth herbal information try: Herb Wisdom - www.herbwisdom.com
To find a herbalist near you who may be able to provide a one to one consultation you can use the National Institute of Medical Herbalists' "Find a Herbalist" facility: NIMH Find a Herbalist - www.nimh.org.uk/find_herbalist DisclaimerThe products we sell not licensed medicines and are generally considered safe. However, please note the following points: - Categories, Ailments, Indications and Uses for products listed on this website are a guide only, the result of basic research into common uses for various products. They should not be taken as a recommendation that particular herbs will cure or be beneficial for an illness / ailment.
- Information on this website is based on research from the internet, books, articles and studies and/or our suppliers. Statements in this website have not necessarily been evaluated and should not be considered as medical advice. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. For diagnosis or treatment consult your physician.
- Use herbs in moderation and watch for allergic reactions.
- If you are taking any other medication, are suffering from a medical condition and/or are at all concerned about any of the advice or ingredients consult your doctor before taking the herbs.
- If you are pregnant, breast feeding or have/had breast cancer do not take any of the herbs (as many affect hormone balance, uterine contractions and are estrogenic).
- Remember that diet, exercise and relaxation are equally important to your health.
- As we are selling natural products some of the herbs may be strong smelling.